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South Louisiana's Finest Storage Facility




Keeping up a list of festivals in South Louisiana (or anywhere) is tough....  there are lots and lots of them, the dates are constantly changing, new ones are frequently started, others are cancelled, postponed, rescheduled, rained out, well....  anyway, before we dive in and start trying to keep a schedule ourselves, we recommend you check some sites like this....  there are many:


But, also, let us strongly recommend that you try several specific festivals:

For music, there is the Festival International in Lafayette.  It is what it sounds like.  The emphasis is on French (and more recently, Spanish) speaking nations and the music that comes from them.  It ususally is done concurrently with the Jazzfest in New Orleans so you can kill two birds with one stone if you are travelling.  Frequently guest performers appear at both.

Then there are the Frog Festival in Rayne, the Rice Festival in Crowley and the Crawfish Festival in Breaux Bridge.  Not  to be missed.  Also, as you will learn, Mardi Gras is a whole 'nother thing in Cajun Country.  Not much like New Orleans.  Less tense, more laid back, more family-oriented, more fun.  But you still get to drink beer.  You can pick almost any town in South Louisiana and have a true ball.  Lafayette is the big one as small places go and Tee Mamou is the jewel in the crown.

South Louisiana is a fun place.  In Lafayette, for long periods of the year, there is a huge public street party held every Friday (!)  It is called "Downtown Alive" and is held during the Spring and Fall.  Did someone say something about letting the good times roll?


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Last modified: May 21, 2009